About Us

About Us

About CEO & Founder

 Mehdi Daliri lives in Perth Westen Australia with his wife and two beautiful daughters. When he is not working, like spending time with family and kids, Mehdi loves camping and the beach. His hobbies are cooking, reading books, and going to the gym.

Mehdi is the Husband, Dad, CEO and founder of Mehdi Daliri Consulting which helps dental practices achieve their goal and desire and scale up their business.

❝ Discover How You Can Consistent Flow Of  Patients Every Month❞

Enjoy The Best

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Mehdi Daliri Consulting
Mon - Fri 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Meet Mehdi Daliri

Mehdi is very passionate about consulting and helping dentists and practice owners to scale up and achieve their dream and desire. Most business owners and dentists don’t leverage the power of digital marketing, to scale up their practice.

Mehdi also teaches communities to understand how to use social media to generate leads in a more strategic way, including social media managers and marketing consultants.

So if you are a dentist or practice owner and struggling to get new patients frequently and need help, don’t hesitate to contact me, we can show you a roadmap to follow and a proven system that gives you the desired results.

 If really you won’t hit your goals and grow your business, and see how we can help you, please go ahead and book your free 30 minutes complimentary consultation now! ( Regular price at $189 ) 

Our Pro Team

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Robyn Griffiths

Robyn Griffiths

Amelia Quintana

Amelia Quintana

Corbin Alvarez

Corbin Alvarez

Vivian Rosas

Vivian Rosas


Success Roadmap

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Jan 2018Company Established
Mar 2020Company Established
Apr 2021Company Established
Sept 2022Company Established


Our Work Skills

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Frequently Asked

I work only with Dentists and Practice Owners,

Providing a road map to dentists to generate up to 50+ new patients constantly month after month. I attempt to create a faucet for marketing so you can literally control the flow of new patients at will.
I build a system fr your practice that works for you 24/7 and will generate new patients in a predictable way not base on hope. You don’t need to hope and pray for people to call you or walk into your practice.

When you partner with MEHDI DALIRI CONSULTING you get the most efficient, effective, and affordable SERVICE that TARGET AUDIENCES that are looking for your service right now.

  • We combine paid and organic methods to generates wealth and security for your dental clinic
  • Master of Business Information System
  • Bachelor of Computer Science ( software engineering )
  • 7+ years experience
  • No lock in contract
  • Work with a practice in that area
  • Care and support clients to have happy and satisfy clients
  • My goal is to get 100% success for my clients

Let’s Connect to what is possible for you.

Office Hours

Mon - Fri ( 9 am - 5 pm )

Saturday and Sunday : Closed

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